Do You Need New Insulation After Removing an Asbestos Roof?

If you live in an older home with an asbestos roof, then you may have got to the stage where you want to order an asbestos roof replacement and get a new roof made of safer material. When your roofer takes down your roof, they also ensure that your roof space doesn't contain any residual traces of asbestos before they fit your new roof.

At this stage, your roofer may talk to you about the insulation you have in your roof at the moment. They may recommend you change this insulation now as well. Why?

Your Insulation Contains Asbestos

While it's not common for roof insulation to contain asbestos, some older products may have some asbestos in them. If your insulation dates back as long as your roof, this is more likely to be the case. Given the age of the insulation, it may not be as safe as it once was. Your roofer may be recommending a switch to safer insulating material here.

Your Insulation May Get Contaminated

Your roofer may also be worried that your insulation may get contaminated when they take your roof down. While this isn't an issue if your roof comes off in its component parts without breaking down, it may be a problem if asbestos particles drift out of the roofing materials.

These particles may settle in your insulation materials. While your roofer will use an industrial vacuum to clean your roof space after taking down the roof, it may be hard to get particles out of some types of insulation completely. Dumping your old insulation and putting down new materials once the roof space is cleaned out may be safer.

Your Insulation Needs Replacement

Your roofer's recommendation to replace your roof's insulation may have nothing to do with your asbestos roof. Your roofer may simply have noticed that your insulation is old and isn't doing such a good job of insulating as it might.

Having your insulation upgraded to a better quality material or product makes sense while your roofer is working on your roof anyway. This allows you to get two jobs done at the same time. Together with your new roof, an insulation upgrade could make your home more energy efficient.

If you aren't sure why your roofer is recommending that you change your insulation, ask them. They can explain why they think this is a good idea and talk you through replacement options and their benefits.
