Things to Keep in Mind When Replacing Your Roof

Your roofing is one of the more significant investments that you will make for your structure. As such, it would be crucial to ensure that you are buying materials that would be able to meet your needs. A mistake some people make is to base their decision on affordable material when trying to stay within their budget. This may seem financially logical, but the reality is some materials may not be able to provide you with the performance that you need. Below are some of the performance considerations that you should bear in mind to ensure that your roof replacement will be functional for a significant amount of time.

High winds

An element of weather that is ever-present is wind. Your roofing's ability to withstand gale winds would depend on the type of fasteners that are used to secure the roofing system in place. Generally, heavy-duty mechanical reinforcements tend to be an ideal choice, as they will be able to keep the roofing from being susceptible to upheaval. Ballast is a common material used to secure roofing, but it deteriorates over time, which decrease your roof's resistance to high winds.

Ultraviolet resistance

Since the roof will be exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods, ultraviolet resistance would be particularly important if you live in an area that is sunny throughout the year. If your roofing system does not have ultraviolet resistance, it will become susceptible to cracking, and this will lead to the premature deterioration of the roof. This, in turn, will translate into incurring other exorbitant repair costs down the road.


When it comes to roofing, not many homeowners consider exposure to chemicals, as the roof tends to be out of sight. However, the roofing can deteriorate due to chemicals that are simply found in the atmosphere, such as acid rain. Moreover, if mould starts breeding in your roofing, its metabolic reactions will release chemicals that could affect the roofing. If your roofing does not have chemical resistance, you will begin to find that it will start to break down prematurely.

High impact

Another important consideration to have when it comes to the performance of your roofing system is its resistance to punctures and high impact. One of the weather elements that can cause significant damage to your roofing is exposure to hail storms. If the roofing is not hard wearing, then you may have to start contending with cracks and crevices in your roofing. Left unchecked, this could lead to leaks, which in turn can cause significant water damage to the structure.
